Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hedge Fund Manager to Pizza Delivery

ABC News
Ken Karpman, shown here with his family, said his financial downfall has been a lesson in humility. The family is now on food stamps and a friend is paying the kids' school tuition(Courtesy Karpman Family).
He graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor's degree and M.B.A., then got a high-paying job as an institutional equity sales trader. He married his dream girl, had two children, and traveled the world on expensive vacations.
Over the span of Karpman's impressive 20-year career as a trader, he climbed the company ladder, reaching a salary of $750,000 a year....
But in the reversal of fortune that followed, Karpman was unable to attract investors and was forced to dissolve his hedge fund. He found himself jobless in a job market that had collapsed. More>>
  • "Down But Not Out: From Hedge Funds to Pizza Delivery
    Ken Karpman Plummeted From a Six-Figure Salary to Earning $7.29 an Hour"
    Donna Hunter and Gail Deutsch

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