Monday, March 16, 2009

Rape and Finances

Warren Buffett, last year's "richest man in the world" (Forbes Magazine), lost billions for Berkshire Hathaway investors

The Buddha warned against rape. Using an example of infernal torment for the village practice of taking individuals forcibly, he made sure the audience understood the heavy karmic consequences of allowing sensual desire to rule one's life even for a short time.

Unfortunately, rape is a common war time practice. It has been used systematically as a weapon. It is even observed among animals (e.g., lions). It is thought to be engaged in by otherwise conscientious soldiers. It is made possible because of the very common practice of dehumanizing the opponent. One ethnic group or culture demonizes and ridicules another; its soldiers fight; war crimes ensue.
This debasement leads to the conclusion that things done to them don't count or at least don't hold the weight that doing them to one's in-group would hold.

Rape talks place in other ways, of course. There is financial rape: denuding others through usury and business fraud. Are your creditors cheating you?

HEAL Africa:
American Bar Association:

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