Monday, April 6, 2009

Buddhist "Friendliness" (Metta)

Karaniya-metta sutra (WQ translation)

This is done by those who are skilled in seeking the good, having attained the way of peace.

One is able, straightforward, and upright, easy to speak to, gentle, and humble,

Contented and easily supported, with few obligations and wants,

With senses calmed, prudent, modest, relinquishing desire for other people's possessions.

One avoids every base action the wise the wise would reprove.

May all beings be secure and at ease. May all beings be happy!

Whatever living beings there are, weak or strong -- including all --

Whether long, short, average, stout, or thin,
Seen or unseen, dwelling near or far,

Born or yet to be born -- may all beings be happy!

Honest with one another and cherishing everyone everywhere,
Let one out of compassion and friendliness wish all well.

Just as a mother would protect with her life her own child, her only child,
So should one cultivate a boundless mind of friendliness toward all beings everywhere.

Let one cultivate a boundless mind -- above, across, below,
Unobstructed, loving, and generous.

Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, throughout all one's waking hours,
One is serene; this, they say, is the supreme abiding here and now.

Pursuing right-views, virtuous, endowed with insight,
Having overcome craving for sense pleasures, one will never again know rebirth.

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