Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu Epidemic: Media Terror

Pandemic alert level rises
The World Health Organization ups its swine flu warning as Mexico's death toll jumps. » What is a "Phase 4" alert? (Human transmission).
Travel to Mexico discouraged
Ground zero

I. Ronic (WQ Special Correspondent)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico -- Be afraid, very afraid. Fear, that's the most important thing. Fear prevents illness. Fear feels like you're doing something useful. Obey authorities. Don't question. Instead, help out: demand your local government purchase flu vaccines from large pharmaceutical corporations. Big Pharma is your friend. We're here for you. Price should be no object. Do it for the kids.

Anyway, "price gouging" helps the economy. And you do want to help the economy, don't you?? And gouging is in the eye of the gouger. Discourage travel. Sorry, no refunds. So don't bother at the ticket counter. Just be glad you didn't go. Stay home. Avoid other people. Watch more TV. Shop the Web. We have a great special on super-duper face masks. Nothing, after all, sells like fear. So be afraid, be very afraid...yes, even more afraid than that.

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