Friday, April 10, 2009

Warmonger? Why Obama is Falling

Question an assumption: View upside down to see what's right in front of you.
We are reminded that American presidents do not rule. They are merely important figureheads and centers of focus. Question authority even when it has a nice face and lovely voice. Remember, the system in place is far older even than the US, which did not invent it. They distract attention from the real movers and shakers. Of course, anyone looking at the situation can point to decisions and photographs and speeches -- and say "It's him."

It is not. Barack Obama in particular is already famous for constantly reading from a teleprompter. Money elects a president, leaving him indebted. Everyone agrees. The military-industrial complex (Pentagon, the unelected shadow government, NSC/CIA/OSS, suppliers, multination-al corporations) continues to exert undue influence one person (a president) or complicit officials (his handpicked administration) wouldn't even dream of crossing. Since the job of the president is to draw attention away from what's happening, Who is in control?
Discussion of conspiracies put people off. Any conspiracy is pre-discredited. A "conspiracy" simply means [definition (]. There can be no doubt that that takes place. Who is scheming behind the scenes? There are others. Since they cannot be discussed, one can point to their spokespersons. In the case of George W. Bush, almost the entire Republican constituency (corporate heads and businessmen driven by greed, an utterly manipulated media, world bankers driven by power, Christian fundamentalists driven by sincerity) was complicit.

Look beneath the surface (Pacifica Radio, Zeitgeist, David Icke, Democracy Now, alternative media, and so on). Or settle in to Network news -- "Infotainment, all the news that isn't" -- for a befuddling cavalcade of distorted nonsense.

The good news is that whereas Bush and Dick (George and Cheney) were vulgar and flagrant in their abuses, Obama and Joe (Barack and Biden) are "nice" about it. It's a different tack for the "powers that be" to take, moving from a dimwitted megalomaniac who stole two elections to a Public Relations people person; Obama should be more able to serve the status quo. Because what Americans demand most is the appearance of not being hoodwinked.

The Buddha on Questioning Authority (Kalama Sutra)

What did the Buddha say about obeying and believing authority? Buddhist monks march in protest, sometimes leading protests. And Buddhism teaches a Path to direct seeing and knowing, not a reliance on dogmas, gods, or priests.

His advice was given to the Kalama people. They wondered what they were to believe if everyone sounded convincing while extolling one's view and denigrating the views of others. He advised them in this way.

"Do not simply believe things because they are claimed to be true by authoritative sources or by deduction [from facts and assumptions]. But direct knowledge, from your own experience, should be called upon. The words of the wise are well heeded and taken into account when deciding. But this is not dogmatic acceptance. Rather, it is questioned and tested and compared to what one is able to see as helpful." The question to ask is does a view reduce or increase dukkha (unsatisfactoriness, suffering, ill).

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