Friday, April 10, 2009

Why "Shooting Rampages" Happen


(Good Friday, April 10, '09) -- A man goes berserk. He suddenly murders a group of people then turns the gun on himself. It's a standard news story. It's happening with increasing frequency. It comes out of the blue, terrifies viewers, and is almost always followed by a news reporter's solemn, "Neighbors say he was a quiet loner."

There is a theory put forward (as documentable fact) that the reason for this is anything but accidental. Stuart Swerdlow, a one time government guinea pig, explains that government, military, and extrajudicial agents regularly engage in "mind control" experiments. Their larger effort is to provoke panic, fear, and worry. In a sense, it is controlled terrorism. A well controlled populace is a terrified populace. Acts are random, unpredictable, and hint at a sinister unpredictability about life.

While each case may have its own back story, the larger reason for it is the same: control. Swerdlow was himself the subject of many "mind control" experiments. He has knowledge of covert operations and states that once a post-hypnotic suggestion is implanted in a subject, there may be little to no memory of it for decades. It is activated by various means. One interesting conjecture is that the "meaningless" gibberish" in mass spamming campaigns that annoy computer users around the world are attempted triggers.
While, of course, this may all seem far fetched and impossible to swallow, no other comprehensive explanation for the phenomenon has been put forward. Yet, the news reports keep rolling in, one more bizarre than the other. And the phenomenon is not limited to the US or even to gun use. War can't explain all the reports.
But the network media never tires of reporting US War in Iraq casualties, the need for a "surge" in troops headed to Afghanistan, and what American-made "predator drones" are doing in provincial Pakistan. There also seems to be no lessening in the latest play by play in Israel, Pakistan, and the West Bank -- for decades on end. And the new twist? Why, it's right next door due to Mexican drug "gangs" and "sleeper cells" infiltrating our porous borders. Quick, burn your copy of the Bill of Rights! Anything to keep us safe!
These stories come so quickly and furiously, one hardly remembers them a week later. The links to the stories so far are just in today's news. Last week a young man opened fire in a college of all place. But of course, that's just about every week now.

Schools, or anywhere instigators might presume we'd otherwise feel safe, seem to be a particular target. There are too many examples to mention. Whether it's children (e.g., Columbine), churchgoers (Missouri), women (Baton Rouge), foreigners (VA Tech massacre), or bus passengers (beheaded and cannibalized), and so on, it's happening more and more. If we do not know why these "inexplicable" events take place with regularity and using the same M.O., how can we come to grips with them or ever hope that they become a thing of the past?
If it's happening on purpose, what could the instigators, mind-controllers, and post-hypnotic suggestion activators have in mind? A police state (for our safety and the safety of our children, of course)? Martial law? A nominally "free" country without dissent or civil liberties? 1984? Endless war and, maybe a second coming to save us from ourselves? There was that staged Alien Invasion being talked about -- a pretext to instigate full control. Why? Here is a short, understandable explanation set to a very simple song:

David Icke: "Problem Reaction Solution"

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