Friday, May 29, 2009

A Homegrown Revolution

Path to Freedom presents "A Homegrown Revolution," a collection of clips featuring their urban homestead and farm. The focus is on the need for radical action -- growing food in the city!

This short, self-produced music video was shown at Peter Seller's Cultural Art's class at UCLA followed by a short presentation by urban farmer Jules Dervaes, the founder of Path to Freedom. The focus of the class was on the art of slow food. Among other guests invited were Michael Pollan, Alice Waters, and Eric Schlosser.

Like the victory gardens of yesteryear, start your own homegrown revolution! Grow your food in your own yard. For more information visit the urban homesteaders at Read the online journal Since the early 1980's the Dervaes family has successfully transformed their ordinary city lot into a self sufficient urban homestead.

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