Friday, June 5, 2009

Exposing true life CIA "mind control"

Government whistleblowers, trauma recovery expert, and Roseanne Barr to expose torture and mind control in Los Angeles
(Friday, June 5, 2009 7:00-10:00 PM)

Cathy O'Brien was a White House/Pentagon level MK-ULTRA mind control victim, who claims torture was used on her to fragment her personality to make her forget secrets and criminal covert operations she had been forced to participate in over a thirty year period.

"Many of the same criminals in control of the government today were in control of me," Cathy says. "And they are acutely aware that torture and trauma causes humankind to forget." Cathy was rescued in 1988 by Mark Phillips, a U.S. Intelligence insider knowledgeable on CIA mind-control techniques, who acted after he was told by a Chinese Intelligence officer that Cathy and her then eight-year-old daughter, Kelly, were mind-controlled slaves of the U.S. government.

Mark says that the super secret technology used on Cathy, Kelly, and others is an "evolved system of remote human physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been officially recognized by accredited mental health physicians for what it is -- absolute mind control."

Cathy and Mark circumvented the news media's blackout on their case with the greatest true life love story of extraction and recovery from the CIA 's mind control project ever told.

Hear their story live along with a discussion on the issue of torture at an event called “CIA Mind Control: Out Of Darkness, Into the Light.” It will be held on Friday June 5, 2009. The event begins at 7:00 PM at Hollywood United Methodist Church located at 6817 Franklin Avenue. For more information or to order a CD of the event: (805) 653-1588 or A portion of the proceeds go to Children of the Night, a non-profit that rescues children from the ravages of prostitution.

Joining Cathy and Mark will be Dr. Colin Ross (pictured at right), a globally-recognized expert on trauma related disorders and author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists.

Dr. Ross provides proof -- based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act (FICA) -- that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years.

He proves that the Manchurian Candidate "super spy" is fact, not fiction. He describes CIA documented experiments by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and implanting new memories in the minds of experimental subjects.

Also scheduled to appear is talk radio host (Pacifica), TV actor, and comedian Roseanne Barr. In addition to being a champion for the rights of abused children everywhere, she was treated by Dr. Colin Ross for DID recovery.

  • Whistleblowers expose CIA programs, such as MK-ULTRA, that involve torturing U.S. citizens, our allies' citizens, and how these atrocities were allowed to continue under the 1947 National Security Act.
  • Cathy O'Brien explains, “Now that torture is finally a pre-dominant political issue, the reality of how it’s actually being used continues to be kept from the public by those in control of the government and corporate media. Those who control information control knowledge, which in turn controls the thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and actions of those they inform."
  • What about the argument that torture is justified as a means of extracting information? O'Brien answers, “Considering today's technological advancements, pharmaceuticals, computerization, and classified mind manipulating weaponry, it’s clear to see that torture is not only archaic, but is actually a diversionary issue from more prevalent forms of mass mind manipulation being used on the human population.” More>>

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