Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Meditation for Business People

Matt Eschler, LMFT

Reality is not nearly as important as what you tell yourself is true about reality (Matt Eschler)

Better Attitudes in the Workplace Before "The Matrix" became a movie phenomenon, the word matrix meant "a point of beginning." By definition a matrix is where something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops.

We are continuously developing our psyche as well as our soul. As we develop these parts of our being, we are required to create mental focus. The more we focus on something -- whether it's math or auto racing or football or career paths -- the more that becomes our reality, the more it becomes written into the neural connections of our brains.

When we focus we generate ideas and develop paths to even more thoughts. In a sense we are shaping our brain as well as creating our future. We can literally sculpt our brain just as we'd sculpt our muscles if we went to the gym. This sculpting is referred to as neuroplasticity by neuropsychologists.

There are numerous ways and means to shape our brains. Meditation and prayer are very cost effective ways to create peace, focus, and life direction. Through the meditation process, or while engaging in prayer, we are really committing to a pattern of thoughts that will enhance our lives. More>>

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