(Space.com) A dim new moon and shift in weather will combine to create a skygazer's paradise. What's on view
- New Hubble photos (Y!)
- Listen to the Story (NPR)
Meanwhile, on Earth, the new movie "No Impact Man" wants to save the world. (NPR, 9/11/09) It "is an environmental docu-mentary that also works as a 21st century climate change comedy of manners. Its prota-gonist, Colin Beavan, is the latest in a line of idealist heroes who are both admirable and somewhat ridiculous, an Albert Brooks sort of character. In 2006, the Manhattan writer came up with a book proposal: He would live for a year "eco-effectively." That means, he said, having zero net impact on the environment." More>>
Oldest Person in the World Dies
(Reuters) 115 year old Gertrude Baines passed away today in Los Angeles. This leaves the oldest [documented] person in the world living in Japan. He's 114. Story (AP photo).