Thursday, September 24, 2009

UC Berkeley Walkout: TODAY

One-day UC walkout gets underway
Today's walkout is intended to reflect widespread frustration and anger as UC lays off hundreds of workers, imposes unpaid furloughs on nonunion employees... (SF Chronicle, Jill Tucker, 9/24/09)
UC Walkout (Monthly Review)

(9/24/09) While UC Berkeley might have a long history of noisy protests and student activism, tomorrow’s UC-wide faculty and student walkout [teach in] and worker strike seems unprecedented even within its own tumultuous history.

UC Berkeley student protest, Sproul Plaza. The statewide UC system will walk out today.

As a coalition of faculty, staff, students, and workers across all of the UC campuses arrange to walk out of scheduled classes [today] to protest against state cuts in funding, fee hikes, and changes to the traditional UC system of shared governance, the Berkeley community is expecting thousands to congregate in Sproul Plaza, the university’s traditional hub of student activity.

"Berkeley in the Sixties," documentary on the history of anti-war and other protests on what was once the most radical campus in the country. SEE TRAILER

“The walkout tomorrow is just one milestone on what is likely to be a pretty long road to recovery,” said UC Berkeley professor of theatre, dance, and performance studies, Catherine Cole. “It’s a moment to make visible the cuts and changes that are happening in our University – changes that are of profound importance and not yet necessarily made visible to all.” More>>

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