Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Khmer Rouge torturer expresses remorse

Khmer Rouge Chief Torturer Expresses "Excruciating Remorse"
Cambodia (Fox News) -- The Khmer Rouge's chief torturer and jailer has expressed "excruciating remorse" for more than 14,000 people killed under his watch, Sky News reported. [Formerly a communist in a Buddhist country, he converted to Christianity.]

Kaing Guek Eav, better known as "Duch," was in charge at a notorious prison during Cambodia's ultra-Maoist revolution of the 1970s. The 67-year-old former math teacher admits being liable for the killings but insists he was serving a mafia-type group "I could not withdraw from," Sky News reported. More>>

"The Killing Fields" is on par with or exceeds in power any war movie ever made.

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