Friday, November 6, 2009

News of the Day: Buddhism, Earth, Credit

  • "Parallel Sayings of Jesus and Buddha"
    Revered as two of the greatest spiritual figures in the history of man, Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha forged and articulated the precepts that would form the ideological foundations of the Christian and Buddhist religions. From what were austere beginnings, these visionary doctrines evolved over time into universal forces in their own right. Only a handful of other belief systems have influenced the lives of so vast a number of people throughout the world to the extent that these two great religions have.
  • Explains it All
    George Green explains it all from the inside -- vaccines, the planned global economic downfall, war, UFOs, and the real history of the military-industrial complex and world government.
  • Thailand: Thaksin on a mission to humiliate Thai gov't
  • Dalai Lama visit highlights India-China tensions
  • Cheney's FBI interview: 72 instances of can't recall
  • Carrie Prejean sex tape, literally no takers whatsoever
    Former Miss California (a hypocritical voice for right wing Christian conservatives) who overcame one sex scandal gets caught up in another: a masturbation video she is trying to sell has no takers. It is nevertheless costing her appear-ance dates. Her invitation to appear at a conservative function has been rescinded in light of the newest scandal. Donald Trump previously saved her and she lost her crown anyway. Now she may lose all credibility...but she has a book on the way proving the maxim, "No press is bad press" or "the only bad press is no press at all."
  • Do Buddhists go to Heaven?
    I've had the good fortune of speaking about Buddhist afterlife to a number of Christians. One of the things that prompted me to investigate Buddhist afterlife was giving a talk at Central Juvenile Hall. A Catholic girl said I was going to hell, because I didn't believe in God and Jesus Christ. After some reflection I had to agree with her... If I were a Christian, and thought like a Buddhist, I probably would go to Christian hell. But do Buddhists even go to Christian heaven or hell in the first place? Or do Buddhists have their own afterlife, complete with heaven and hell?
  • Hindus, yoga teachers question US sales tax (AP)
    ST. LOUIS — Yoga practitioners are criticizing a Missouri sales tax that applies to yoga classes, claiming they should be exempt because the lessons include spiritual elements. A Missouri Department of Revenue official sent letters to 140 yoga and Pilates centers on Oct. 13, telling them they must collect sales tax on the fees for their classes and services...
  • Ahimsa for the Earth (
    Thanks to Chris at the Yoga of Ecology blog for the heads up on this fascinating Times Online piece about UK Climate Chief Lord Stern of Brentford proclaiming that "People will need to turn vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change."
  • The Nun’s Tale (The Hindu, Literary Review)
    Dalrymple’s austere and exciting book on nine astonishing religious lives opens with a moving story that should kindle interest in Jainism. It is the first mainstream account of contemporary Jainism to emerge from a widely read and admired literary journalist such as the author of The Last Mughal. Accounts of the sacred: Now Dalrymple joins other literary journalists curious about the transcendent.
  • Jains Mark Diwali (
  • Reform: 5 Credit Card Company Evils
    The credit card reform bill tries to help cash-strapped customers, but companies are coming up with new ways to boost profits. Indeed, credit card companies are socking it to consumers left and right. They're hiking interest rates to as much as 36% and doubling minimum monthly payments, frustrating customers. In an effort to curb these abusive practices, President Obama signed into law a credit card reform act...
  • Two Orthodox monks publish a punk-style zine in the USA
    MOSCOW -- Two monks for the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood monastery in Platina, California, publish a punk zine Death to the World. "These kids (punks - IF) are sick of themselves. They feel out of place in this world. We try to open up to them the beauty of God's creation and invite them to put to death 'the passions,' which is what we mean by 'the world,' Father Damascene...
  • UFO Conference Begins (KXNT)
    UFO enthusiasts are making Las Vegas their home base this weekend. The 7th annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference will run today through Sunday with a variety of speakers and topics, including presentations on some of the most famous UFO cases through history....The gathering will be held at the Tuscany Suites and Casino on Flamingo Road.
  • Jailed Buddhist requests visits from his cat-mother
    Claims cat is reincarnation of his mother
    Germany -- A court has denied a request by 46-year-old Peter Keonig, currently serving a five year sentence for a number of armed robberies, to have his cat visit him in prison. Keonig claims the cat is a reincarnation of his mother. He argued that other prisoners got to see their families so he should get to see his cat. The court ruled that he may write to the animal but it may not visit him. "While we respect the religious freedom of individuals, the accused has not been able to furnish proof that his deceased mother has been reborn in a cat. Therefore, the request for visiting rights for the feline is rejected," said the court.
  • The psychology of climate change (ABC News Australia)
    Organizers of a youth rally told me earlier this year that climate change was the activist issue for their generation and that young people would turn out to protest in record numbers. When hundreds of young people showed up on the anointed day I thought - where are the rest? If this is the issue, where is the mass demonstration of dissent?
  • To Charge Your Laptop
    Save money, save the environment. Here are four essential tips for extending the battery life of your computer, cell phone, and every other gadget. Whether they're in our computers, cell phones, or cars, the only time we think about batteries is when they're almost dead, and we need to find some place to charge them — and then we're not thinking nice things. Batteries are an old-school technology.

What soft drinks do to your body
Find out how soda can hurt the immune system and increase belly weight gain. Is diet soda any better?

Foods that help fight inflammation
Eating a diet rich in colorful produce can reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes, and more. How quickly juice loses its vitamins

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