Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Conference, Buddhist Action

Buddhist Climate Project: "Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change" (Read and Sign) En Francais - Slideshow - The Book - Report: Climate Declaration - Climate Change Denial - Sustainable Business - Dalai Lama's Letter - Action: Plant a Tree in the Sheltering Grove

Obama and Indian leader to attend Copenhagen climate talks

NEW DELHI – Indian PM Singh will attend the international climate summit in Copenhagen, a spokesman said, ending days of speculation about the country's level of representation at the landmark conference. President Obama also pledged to be there. Singh will address the U.N. summit beginning Dec. 17.
PHOTOS: 1. Pre-Copenhagen protests have been preparing for today's climate change talks (Joseph Woodward; 2. Eco Buddhists are concerned with climate change (AC84 on Flickr); 3. Melting arctic ice is now Russian concern as well (; 4. Polluted Yamuna river in New Delhi, India (AP).

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