Thursday, December 24, 2009

Is America the new Tibet?

Tibet to Revitalize Its Economy
(Xinhua) Tibet will map out a plan to invigorate its industries in 2010, according to a recent conference on the work of the regional development and reform. "We will redouble our efforts to build and improve infrastructure in the tourism industry and expand family-run hotels in rural areas," said Jin Shixun, director of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Development and Reform Commission Preferential policies will be pursued to support special industries. Meanwhile, more enterprise groups will be set up in the industries including traditional Tibetan medicines and tourism...Tibet's highland beer broke into the U.S. market shipping 2.78 million bottles, whereas a local mineral water manufacturer seized business opportunities in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. More>>

Is America the New Tibet?
(Bernie Quigley, Those who look for meaning in swirling things in the sky will find them, especially on Winter Solstice. But the older rabbis tell us to look beneath the surface to find essentials. And what happened beneath the surface at Copenhagen is worth reporting. It was a modest nightmare, like one of those unsettling dreams like you are walking on the edge of a cliff...That’s what happened to America in Copenhagen. The new world order came together and they forgot...Obama. More>>

This is no "just war" theory
(Daniel Maguire, Marquette Univ.) Whether President Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize is not the point. He didn't. The fact is he got it, and was gifted with the chance of a lifetime to make a classic speech on the politics of peacemaking, a speech that in the glare of Nobel could have attained instant biblical standing. He failed miserably, producing a hodge-podge resembling the work of a bright but undisciplined sophomore. Obama used and misused the classical "just war'' theory. More>>

  • He has become [an imperial] leader
    After Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech, anyone still questioning whether he is really a Christian, rather than a Muslim aligned with fanaticism, needs therapy. Anyone still unconvinced that Obama is really an American committed to his nation's...
  • Idealism, with a hard edge
    When President Obama rose to the podium to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, he took a decisive step away from pacifism and traveled a considerable distance to convince skeptics that he is not a naive idealist. Obama's speech, which is known as the Nobel Lecture...
  • Obama acknowledges controversy
    Obama cautiously accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, acknowledging "the considerable controversy" over his award because he's accomplished little on the world stage in less than a year on the job and has just called for sending 30,000 to 35,000 more U.S. troops to war in Afghanistan.
Former Minister in Tibetan Gov't Passes Away
(NewsBlaze/ICT Report) Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, a former minister in the Tibetan government, passed away in Beijing on Dec. 23, 2009. He was 99. Born in 1910, Ngapoi began serving the Tibetan government in 1936. His role in Tibetan politics became prominent after he was appointed the Dhochi (roughly translated as "Governor General of Eastern Tibet") based in Chamdo in 1950 from where he led a military campaign against the invading Chinese forces. Story>>

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