Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The World Peace Centre

Bernard Meyer, Interfaith Fellowship; Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

Spirituality [may be viewed] from three perspectives: personal development, relationships, and social action. At heart, spirituality is one and indivisible....The three primary points of view reflect the need to bring consistency and integrity to culture. Peacemaking is at the core of this perspective. The consequences can be devastating.

Anuvibha, sponsored by Jain religious leaders, offers ahimsa, or nonviolence, for human formation. The Jain position is that society will become just and peaceful when every person learns to love and be nonviolent through a disciplined approach to meditation. This approach uses spirituality and science to develop accurate perceptions of reality, ethics, and just human relationships.

The World Peace Centre in Pune, India, conducts educational programs that visibly and factually honor all religions and science with modern technology to pursue peace. All the major religions of the world are symbolically represented at the center, which is within the Maharastra Institute of Technology. The center’s placement effectively illustrates that peace comes through spiritual understanding and right use of Earth’s resources. The third approach to spirituality is direct action.... Full article

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