Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bigfoot: the Legend Becomes a Reality

The legend of Bigfoot becomes a reality: limited time (till 1/15/10) "The Origins of Sylvanic" available for download at

( For the past 2-3 years I’ve been hearing about this “Sylvanic Bigfoot” project which is spearheaded by Todd Standing. He's a columnist for and a Bigfoot [Buddhist yakkha, rakshasa, or Yeti] researcher. He’s made quite a lot of headlines in the Bigfoot community by coming forward with video “proof” of these bipedal, ape-like creatures that he has filmed in recent expeditions. It doesn’t just end there, he also claims to know a secret location called “Sylvanic” (According to Todd, this is the name given by the “native” people) said to be a hidden valley nestled deep into the American Rockies. More>>

Footage of classic Bigfoot creature

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