Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Forgiveness" in Buddhism? (video)

(The Young Turks)

Richard Eskow: "You know what I love about this is of course it fits in with what we all know about the Dalai Lama, which is he's the most unforgiving S.O.B. you could ever meet, because forgiveness has no place in his ideology. You cross that guy, you're dead! That's number one."

Michael Shure: "There's no forgiveness in Buddhism."

Richard Eskow: "No forgiveness. I'm a contributing editor to a Buddhist magazine. So I've written a lot about the Buddhist blogosphere."

NOTE: This is an ironic and humorous exchange to make the point that Brit Hume (Fox News) is absurd to take his stand against Buddhism on the basis of forgiveness -- as if there were no forbearance in the tradition when, in fact, it's fundamental and evident in the behavior of its prominent figures.

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