Monday, January 25, 2010

UFO photos around the world come to light

Jadyn Cassidy (

The above photo that might show a UFO in the background was taken in Roscommon, Ireland and handed over to MUFON for inspection with the following note:

My daughter photographed me at Stokestown House, in Roscommon Ireland, the witness stated. While inspecting the photos on my PC [Eximil Casio S600] I noticed a funny shape over my head. The zoom showed a sort of Saturn-like object. On the other photo of the house, a small sphere seemed to float over the house. I was hoping a photo expert could distinguish the possibilities.

Could this photo show an alien craft?Although Ireland might not be regarded as a UFO hot spot, sightings are common enough. In 2007 The Irish Defence Forces declassified UFO reports that they had been collecting between the years of 1947 and 1984. Source

Thanks to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer MUFON N.J.

Countless sightings

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