Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Viewpoint: A Spiritual Rebel’s Rant

The Buddha said, “There are three things that can’t be hidden for long, the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

(Patrice Karst, Vision Magazine) Over 40 years ago, I began my spiritual journey as a little girl in England, longing to understand the mysteries of the Cosmos. This was long before there was a new age, metaphysical, organic, green, yogic, self-help movement where “being spiritual” would become more like a fashion statement or a hobby — something to check in the “Things I Like” box. Back in the day, that magical journey down the rabbit hole that describes the mystical path, the search for the Divine, and the awakening of Higher Consciousness had incredibly little to do with what we could “manifest.” It wasn’t about what we could get. It was about something…well, deeper. More>>

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