Thursday, February 4, 2010

Religion and Science: Is that all there is?

(Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

We’re all going to die. But what happens after death? The question has perplexed scientists, philosophers, and people of faith since time immemorial. In recent years, atheists have used reason to “prove” that life after death is merely a naïve notion. Now, bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza [Life After Death: The Evidence (Regnery)] argues that it’s not only logical but likely. Professional skeptic Michael Shermer (Executive Director of the Skeptics Society; monthly columnist for Scientific American) remains unconvinced. Larry Mantle hosts a debate between the two, while they’re still verifiably alive.

How Christian is America, really?
Hinduism and Buddhism are the religions of half the world.
The Case for God
Ms. Armstrong (author of The History of God and The Case for God). Was there a concerted attempt in the early centuries of Christianity to eliminate direct references to Eastern influences (i.e., Hinduism and Buddhism)? The life and teachings of Jesus are so clearly similar to the Buddha and Hindu avatars. (Karmic references like "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" and "Do unto others..." abound, yet there's no formal mention). There are theories that Jesus might have visited India and Kashmir during the "missing years" and assimilated Buddhist teachings. There's also a view that Jesus did not actually die on the cross but survived and traveled East with his mother and the apostle Thomas living his final years in that region [Kashmir, India]? After all, there is the tomb of Issus [Saint Issa] in Srinagar, India and a tomb of Mother Mary in Mari, Pakistan. -- Jim Maechling
The Evolution of God
Religions such as Buddhism, Muslim, or Judaism, all point to the truth, but Christianity, namely the teachings of Jesus, state...

SoCal public radio host Larry Mantle
"Larry, I find you too good an articulator of the 'conservative' points of view and less specific and articulate on the liberal points. I always detect in your questioning (either as overcom-pensation or a bit of your own position bleeding out) or statements a very conservative and espousing of those beliefs (limited government, distrust of government). You are in a market that is predominately (and your contributor base, such as myself) liberal-center to liberal. I think you ought to give us a greater representation on the show." -- Dileep Rao

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