Friday, February 12, 2010

"Travellers & Magicians" (Himalayan film)

Part II: Travellers & Magicians

(Tangpa) Monk and filmmaker Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche's second visual reminder to the world to appreciate the present. Be aware rather than distracted, detached rather than placing too much importance on illusory hopes.

Locally, this film illuminates the situation most of the younger generation in Bhutan faces. It is confronted by newer, more exciting, seemingly more open Western culture. Such promises make traditional culture and a Buddhist way of life seem quaint to the youth of Bhutan.

Connecting the way previous generations have is becoming rarer. In this film Khyentse Rinpoche explores more intellectually satisfying media for modern Bhutanese viewers (and others facing a similar situation).

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