Monday, March 22, 2010

Exposing UFOs and a New Physics

(ITN) Three of the spookiest, unexplained UFO videos from space, India, and Mexico

2012 EXPOSED: UFOs and Etherian Physics
Randall Radic, Th.D., S.T.D. (Basil & Spice, Mar. 21, 2010)
The "energy of life" is a concept that has been around as long as mankind. According to some, it’s even mentioned in the Bible, where it is called ne shema, which is the “breath of life” [Sanskrit, prana]. Many scientists, doctors, and writers have attempted to locate and harness this energy of life. Dr. Albert Abrams, Dr. Ruth Drown, and Wilhelm Reich to name just a few. Reich called the energy of life orgone. And he constructed a machine, which amplified and emanated orgone energy. Reich maintained his discovery could save humanity from the ravages of disease. The powers that be [labelled] Reich another nutcase, so they put him out of business and imprisoned him.

In the 1980s, a bestselling book about electromagnetic energy was written and published by a medical doctor. It was called The Body Electric. Was electromagnetic energy the energy of life? is easy and fun to scoff at such theories. But there are hordes of intelligent people who accept these theories as truth. Just as there are hordes of people who actually believe in miracles and angels. Trevor James Constable wrote The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs (The Book Tree/2008) in which he expands on what he calls “etherian physics” and the invisibility of UFOs... More>>

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