Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Buddhist monks vow anti-government protests

Burma's Saffron Revolution was led by Buddhist monks, brothers of the Sri Lankan Sangha

(Sify News) Sri Lanka's influential Buddhist clergy vowed on Monday to launch a wave of anti-government protests after police arrested a dozen monks who demanded the release of the jailed former army chief. The National Bhikkhu Front (NBF) accused President Mahinda Rajapakse's government of committing an "unforgivable [error]" when police beat and arrested 12 monks staging a fast outside the main railway station in the capital Colombo. "The fast was to press for the release of General Sarath Fonseka," NBF head Dambara Amila told reporters in Colombo. "The government will have to pay for this." More>>

Buddhist monks fast to death for Fonseka’s release
(Daily Mirror) Four Buddhist monks who are members of the newly formed "People’s Forum for Redemption of the General" began a fasting campaign calling for the immediate release of detained General (Retired) Sarath Fonseka yesterday. The death fast was being carried out in front of the Fort Railway Station where a hut had been erected for the monks. Banners calling for the release of Fonseka were seen near the spot together with continuous chanting of protective chants (pirith).

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