Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Living at the Dump

(MettaTV) In 2009 King Zero together with other members of delivered donations of life sustaining rice to refugees in the Mae Sot (Thailand) rubbish dump with every family receiving one bag.

Currently about 300 people or 68 families live in small bamboo huts on stilts at the rubbish dump site of Mae Sot, Thailand. These refugees successfully fled the brutal military regime in Burma, with hopes of leading a life free of human rights abuses, are living under dire conditions. They lack working and residency papers, they are illegal immigrants living and working in the middle of stinky dump.Their spirit of survival is amazing, but their conditions are terribly dismal.

They literally live on the garbage and their houses are constructed and built from the recycled material from the garbage dump itself. The basic essentials they need to survive and to live as human beings basically come from the garbage dump and these include food, clothing, toys for their children, pots and utensils for cooking, and even the water they drink come from the lake near the dump site which is terribly contaminated.

Help make a difference. We will relocate these refugees to a clean and safe area. On rented property we plan to build basic infrastructure such as housing, toilets, and a water well. Learn more:

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