Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When Mexicans Rule the World...

One day everyone in Los Angeles will reach back and embrace our collective Meso-american roots, honor Quetzalcoatl, and worship corn on the cusp of a time-defining calendar resetting. The times, they are a'changing. All that got closer to happening today with simultaneous announcements: the world's richest man is Mexican, the world's youngest Mexican-American climber set off in hopes of scaling the world's highest peaks, the Mexican earthquake was more damaging south of the border, and the Catholic Church is replacing Irish stalwart Cardinal Mahoney with a Mexican-born Opus Day member to head the largest Latin archdiocese in the country. (Where's that Latin Bush-Dynasty member George "P." Bush?)

While most of the world is very familiar with Bill Gates, the name Carlos Slim rarely rings a bell. But it's a name worth knowing. Slim, who is a native of Mexico, was just named the world's richest man. He's a multi-billionaire – that's right, he's richer than the uber-famous Microsoft founder. Slim is worth more than $53 billion. And while he could afford the world's most extravagant luxuries, he rarely indulges. He, like Warren Buffett, doesn't own a yacht or plane and has lived in the same home for over 40 years. More>>
Latin teen on his way to Nepal to climb Mt. Everest
Los Angeles Daily News
A 13-year-old Southland boy is on his way to Nepal today to try to climb Mount Everest. Jordan Alexander Romero, who turns 14 in July, calls Big Bear Lake his hometown. He hopes to become the youngest person ever to climb the world's highest mountain, which tops out at more than 29,000 feet. Romero stopped to visit friends in Marina del Rey on Monday before boarding a flight at Los Angeles International Airport bound for Hong Kong. Romero and members of his team are expected to touch down in Asia today and continue toward Kathmandu, Nepal. The youngster's plan, coordinated with numerous sponsors, is to become the youngest person in the world to climb the highest summits on the world's seven continents by the end of this year. More>>

Pope selects replacement for LA’s Cardinal Mahony
Jewish Journal: The God Blog
The big Los Angeles news today, covered in more detail by the AP than the Los Angeles Times, is that the pope has selected a successor for Cardinal Mahony. Here’s the hometown story, posted online this morning: Pope Joe, the pontiff, appointed Mexican born Jose Gomez as co-adjutor archbishop of Los Angeles, an assisting position that essentially puts him first in line to succeed Mahony, who reaches the mandatory retirement age for bishops of 75 in February.

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