Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God particle may have been found

Illustration of the God particle, Higgs boson (

(TOI) Has the Holy Grail of physics finally been found? The internet is abuzz with rumors that the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, US, has found the Higgs boson — nicknamed the "God particle" — after Tommaso Dorigo, a physicist at the University of Padua in Italy wrote in his blog that there has been talk coming out of the Illinois laboratory that the Higgs has been discovered.

The Higgs boson, believed to give all other particles in the universe their mass, is called the "God particle," because scientists believe finding it — or even proving that it exists — can help explain how the universe came into being.

In ‘‘Rumors about a light Higgs,’’ a post on, Dorigo says: ‘‘It reached my ear, from two different, possibly independent sources, that an experiment at the Tevatron is about to release some evidence of a light Higgs boson signal. Some say a three-sigma effect, others do not make explicit claims but talk of a unexpected result.’’ More>>
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