Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Genies (djinn) in our Midst

The Djinn & Paranormal Phenomena
(Coast to Coast) Paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley and UFO investigator Philip Imbrogno discussed their forthcoming book about the djinn (or jinn ["genies," devas]), secretive entities that may play a role in a variety of paranormal phenomena.

The beings exist in a parallel dimension but seem to have the ability to enter our dimension via portals and interact with us and observe us even when we cannot see them, said Imbrogno. Accounts of them began in the ancient Middle East, where an assortment of beings who were not considered angels, such as fairies and earth spirits, were classified as djinn.

[In Buddhist lore, these earthbound-devas can be beneficial and protective or harmful and mischievous.] Guiley described the djinn as masterful shape-shifters who sometimes masquerade as entities like Shadow People, demons, ETs, and Mothman. They can be thought of as tricksters who have their own self-serving agenda, which for some of them involves domination over humans and the earthly plane, she said.

Guiley further suggests that intense, persistent, or annoying ghostly phenomena like poltergeists may actually be the work of the djinn, rather than spirits of the deceased. The djinn are very territorial and some of the unexplained phenomena people experience may occur near the locations of their portals, she explained.
  • Active Dreaming for Criminal Profiling
    In the first half of the show, criminal profiler Pat Brown discussed profiling techniques, and a variety of serial killer and murder cases. In the latter half of the program, Robert Moss, the pioneer of Active Dreaming, talked about whether we can we really "hack" into dreams like in the new movie Inception, and the concept of "shared dreaming." More / Archive


How US got tangled in island dispute

Hillary Clinton's role in the fight over "200 tiny islands, rocks, and spits of sand" is likely to rile China. Naval expansion - Tension over war games - The disputed islands

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