Friday, October 15, 2010

"Caucasian Stonehenge" Found; Hitler

WARNING: controversial speculations about alien visitations, Aryans, and Sumerians

Finally "Caucasians" have their own Stonehenge to celebrate like these British Druids.

"Caucasians" are, of course, people from the Caucasus Mountain range. It is on the peaks of these mountains that the new "Stonehenge" (perhaps better named Kazbek or Kuban Formation after the ancient Eurasian civilization that once thrived there) was discovered by Russian aerial surveillance. But German and Russian researchers claim to have actually discovered 200 such sites in a 60 mile area all linked by roads between 4,500-8,000 feet above sea-level, according to the AFP.

The area is in the vicinity of where Dr. Ranajit Pal controversially claims the Buddha and Zarathustra were born -- a region responsible for much of modern civilization due to extraterrestrial (angelic) visitations that imparted advanced technological knowledge. This was roughly in the vicinity of Mt. Sumeru (and the Sumer civilization of the Sumerians), another controversial interpretation. Mt. Sumeru, according to Buddhist cosmology, is where the space beings descended and ascended, and the speculation is that the famous "mountain" (axis mundi) was in fact a space port or flight corridor, possibly an antigravity launching area or some such thing (Wisdom Quarterly; Wikipedia map). Much of "aryan" mythology seems to have originated in this region.

( Evidence of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization in southern Russia is being unearthed. The most recent discovery is a "Caucasian Stonehenge," unusual circular settings made of stones that may be related to a calendar. Ceramics found in the area had ornaments that suggested their creators were familiar with astronomy and calendars.

A Russian archaeologist claimed Tuesday to have found the well-preserved ruins of a "Caucasian Stonehenge" built by a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization in southern Russia. Andrey Belinskiy said that unusual circular settings made of stones were found at one of some 200 settlements that date back to 1600 B.C. and are located in the North Caucasus mountains. More>>

New Hitler Exhibit Causes a Stir

Infamous Salute: By 1938, Hitler was the supreme leader of Germany. Within a year, his aggressive policies would plunge Europe into war and his racist ideas would find horrific implementation. It is estimated that over ten million people, including six million Jews, died in the German death camps. [The Semitic Akkadians vs. the Aryan Sumerians continued to play itself out, it seems, culminating with the Nazis.]


The Zoroastrians seem to have sided with the asuras. Their God is the Ahura Mazda, whose enemies were the devas, who are revered in Buddhism and Hinduism. The symbol quite evidently symbolizes space and or aircraft piloted by an indivdual holding a steering mechanism. Zoroastrians explain this as a vehicle for the soul. "Originally, the Daevas, together with the Ahuras, were a classification of gods and spirits. In later Persian religion they were degraded to a lesser kind of beings, demons. The word 'devil' is derived from their name. The seven arch demons of the Daevas are: Aesma Daeva, Aka Manah, Indra [Sakka to Buddhists and Hindus], Nanghaithya, Saurva, Tawrich, and Zarich" (STV). The devas seem to have won since there are now only a few hundred thousand Zoroastrians living mostly in India and Iran. Why is the eagle (garuda or kinnara) symbolism so popular? It seems to suggest their possession of flight or flying technology. Moreover, it is also anti-Reptilian (naga), a mutual enemy of both groups who are not very friendly to humans either. Devas, asuras, garudas, and nagas all figure into Buddhist and Hindu cosmologies, mythologies, and histories. And now the new Caucasian Stonehenges suggest how prevalent alien (mythologically spoken of as "angelic messengers" of higher "gods" or devas) visitations might have been.

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