Saturday, February 10, 2024

The World's Oldest Profession Today

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly, Oct. 15, 2010
Must we objectify others in the pursuit of our happiness? (
October is "Monster Month" on Wisdom Quarterly
Historically, authorities have winked at "the world's oldest profession." If 100,000 German men a year choose to visit Thailand on package sex tours, who is to object? Only recently has anyone begun to ask
  • How many of Thailand's 2 million prostitutes are minors?
  • How many have been sold by parents or husbands as indentured servants to brothel owners?
  • How many have been kidnapped from villages in Burma, Laos, and southern China to service the new breed of tourist?

A 1991 conference of Southeast Asian women's organizations estimated that 30 million women had been sold worldwide since the mid-1970s. Such figures are at best guesses and at worst only the tip of the iceberg. "The sex industry is a huge market with its own momentum," says Wassyla Tamzali, director of UNESCO's women's-rights department.

"You have an infernal race between the client and the pimp to expand the boundaries, to find the newest experience possible. Selling a 14-year-old girl has become so commonplace, it is banal." More>>

"Child abuse" taken to the ultimate extreme in a world we only imagine could be true

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