Saturday, November 13, 2010

Burma's icon of democracy freed!

Aung San Suu Kyi freed from detention
Nobel Prize-winning dissident Aung San Suu Kyi leaves her Burmese home after more than 7 years. Her statement - Aung San Suu Kyi - Obama hails her a hero - Nobel laureates celebrate


The junta has done the unthinkable. They've bowed to international pressure. After the success of their sham-elections, they've released the democratically-elected leader of the country and can now squelch her activities with the veneer of "democratic reform" on their side.

Their pro-military dictatorship candidates were (s)elected. It's just like Iraq and Afghanistan. General Than Shwe must be getting help from the CIA as well as the Nagas and its major trading partner, China.

But how long can it last? Just her presence must aggravate the newly fortified and dug in junta (a cadre of millionaire generals who live in a make-believe city, the new capital of the country, called Naypyidaw).

Maybe the sex campaign we've been highlighting recently paid off. When you put star power behind a cause, expect results. Hollywood is about the only city that can sway Washington nowadays. It's the only semblance of a "balance of powers" the US has left.

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