Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rape in US Military Academies up 64%: DoD

Sexual assaults at the nation's top military academies rose 64% during the 2009-2010 academic year, the Department of Defense announced [Dec. 15th]. As a sidenote and point of interest, the DoD does not specify the gender of the assailants or victims.

Between the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and West Point...the department estimates that the reported assaults only represent less than 10% of total sexual assaults, as most incidents [probably being homosexual in nature] go unreported.

Some of the common reasons cited by cadets and midshipmen for not reporting the incidents included dealing with the incident themselves, fearing gossip, feeling the incident was not important enough to report, and feeling uncomfortable making a report. The punishment rarely fits the crime.

"The longest sentence that the military handed out in these academy rape cases was only 3-1/2 years in prison," said Anuradha Bhagwati, executive director of SWAN. "The fact that an individual can plead guilty to raping a fellow cadet and receive punishments like demerits or additional duty instead of jail time is unconscionable." More>>
  • UN votes to name alleged rapists in war
    UNITED NATIONS (AP) – The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously [Dec. 16th] to name and shame individuals and parties to armed conflict that are "credibly suspected" of committing rape or other forms of sexual violence. The council said it intends to use the list, to be compiled by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, "for more focused United Nations engagement with those parties," including imposing targeted sanctions. The resolution adopted by the council reiterates deep concern that despite its repeated condemnation, rapes and attacks on women and children caught in conflict continue to occur "and in some situations have become systematic and widespread, reaching appalling levels of brutality." [Rape, although called a war crime, has long been used as a weapon by commanding officers, who then shift the blame to "rogue" soldiers.]

Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
The military-industrial-pharmaceutical-complex's efforts are being diverted to silencing WikiLeaks' founder. Perhaps preventing sexual assaults in the military needs the attention Assange is getting for trumped up "rape" allegations in Sweden. Now 10 percent of all Google searches that include the word "rape" reference Assange (according to Assange in a TV interview with Matt Lauer on Dec. 17) in a smear campaign of such proportions that one is forced to question the accuracy of the behemoth search engine and its independence from US military propaganda (PsyOps) manipulation.

  • PAINTING: Rape [raptio] of the Sabine Women (

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