Wednesday, December 8, 2010

UFO Wikileaks: "They're coming"

The leaks are coming, but not necessarily the aliens. Several British newspapers, which seem to be taking the WikiLeaks fiasco with much more grace than U.S. publications, have reported that an upcoming round of "leaked cables" will include references to UFOs. It will certainly be interesting to see what world leaders and diplomats really think about the UFO phenomenon and what they are saying about it behind closed doors. More>>

UFO Sightings are a Daily Occurrence
Roger Marsh (, National)
Bright light turns closer and reveals disc shape over Florida
Two Florida witnesses watched a bright light moving at high speed that turned and appeared to...

"Orange rectangle" UFO moves over California
A California witness reports "an orange rectangle with three orange lights inside the rectangle" observed at about 30,000 feet on November 11, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. "If you hold a ruler at arm's length it was about one-quarter inch wide and three-quarter-inch long," the witness stated. "It was outlined in orange with three orange lights inside, one on each end just inside the rectangle and one in the middle. It also looked grayish in between the lights. I could not see how thick it was."...

"Football field" size triangle UFO over California
A California witness reports watching a triangle-shaped UFO the "size of a football field" move silently overhead at 1:45 a.m. on November 14, 2010, with 12 red-amber lights outlining itself, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The object seemed to morph into different shapes as it moved overhead. "a single light moved in a circular motion inside of the ones on the outside," the witness stated.The object "silently glided by without making a single sound. It seemed to be flying fairly low over the city. Since I'm...

"Swirling" object and red orbs observed over Penn Turnpike
A Pennsylvania witness watched a "swirling, rainbow colored object" and a series of small, red orbs that formed a triangle in the sky while driving along the northeast extension of the Turnpike on November 14, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness used his cell phone to take photos of the "swirling" object while driving. View the full size images here: Image # 1, and Image # 2. The report was filed with MUFON on November 14, 2010. Pennsylvania has a current UFO ALERT 5 rating. Pennsylvania had 24 UFO...

Star-like UFO hovers near Texas family's home
A Texas couple and their son watched a silent, star-like object hovering near their home off Highway 95 just after dusk on November 13, 2010, and a second object that seemed to emerge from under the first object and move away, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.The wife was first to see the object as she pulled into the home driveway. She then drove up their quarter-mile-long driveway to get her son to return with her to the bottom of their driveway. She also called her husband, who arrived with a video camera to take pictures of the object... More>>

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