Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Sadie Hawkins Day! (video)

Amber Dorrian, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Bogdan and Friends
() Jaliela attempts to find someone to take to "Sadies," the traditional American Sadie Hawkins Day Dance.

It is Sadie Hawkins Day, the only day that gives females a socially-tolerable chance to see what it is like to be a male in the dating world.

The opportunity only comes around every four years on Leap Day, February 29th. This Leap Year helps keep our convoluted calendar working, and since the stars are upset, why not the social order?
Sadie Hawkins is still celebrated in some place with the poor dressing as the rich, the this as the that, and ladies taking the lead in dating. Originally, females were taking the opportunity to boldly propose marriage when marriage was vital to a woman's well being. Or at least her perceived well being.

Bogdan and Friends Night Live

Now more of us, male and female, are choosing to live alone and enjoy it. Many middle-aged women who divorce will, unlike men, choose not to remarry. Marriage does not lengthen women's lives or benefit them as it does men. So why bother?

Giggling pre-college girls throughout the nation panic at the prospect of doing the asking. But what is life if not taking advantage of the only benefit Leap Year provides?

Of course, there is nothing but tremendous peer and social pressure, as well as no small amount of fear of rejection, keeping anyone from asking on any other day.

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