Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Conservatives opposing Public Radio

Wisdom Quarterly
Glenn Beck will soon lose his FOX News show, not due to vitriol which is encouraged, but ratings. The government is keen to shut off support for public radio as well. Goodness knows the shadow government would prefer perfect control of all media in a Third Reich Office of Propaganda (or Orwellian "Ministry of Truth") sort of way. But even conservatives need legitimate news outlets, however infuriating they may be. NPR (PRI, and APM) are already toothless wonders that want nothing more than to serve the status quo for some concessions on a few issues important to one particular group. But truth, who's interested in speaking truth to power (if it means losing money)? Not National Public Radio, which otherwise provides interesting cultural programming.

NPR exec blasts tea party in hidden-camera video
Ben Nuckols (AP)
A National Public Radio executive was captured on hidden camera calling the [Sarah Palin] tea party movement racist and xenophobic and said NPR would be better off without federal funding, in an embarrassment likely to fuel the latest round of conservative attacks on public broadcasting. The video was posted Tuesday by James O'Keefe, the same activist whose undercover videos have targeted other groups opposed by conservatives, like the community organizing group ACORN and Planned Parenthood.

Health Freedom

News of the World

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