Friday, March 25, 2011

Earthquakes strike Burma, who's next?

Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)
(Timeline2012) There is a pole shift in progress (making frequent recalibration of flight equipment necessary). By 2012 it could shift 40 degrees placing the new North Pole in upper Mongolia. White dot marks the line of the new equator.

Mute sound!
Recent Burma quakes (

Burma quake sends shockwaves across Thai border

Damage in Burma unknown but 6.8 earthquake sparks panic in Bangkok and Chiang Rai, Thailand. Bangkok, pictured here in backpacker's paradise Khao San Road, is full of Americans and Europeans (Sean Smith/Guardian).

A powerful earthquake has struck north-eastern Burma, shaking buildings as far away as Bangkok in Thailand. The quake struck near Burma's borders with Thailand and Laos, about 70 miles (110km) from Chiang Rai. The northern Thai city sustained a small amount of damage, according to Thai television. Little is known from Burma, a remote area where communications are difficult. The country's military government also tightly controls information. The Pacific tsunami warning center said the quake was located too far inland to create a tsunami. More>>
  • This suggests that HAARP or its operators are imperfect. For surely the target was Nyapidaw (Burma's secretive new capital) not the hinterlands.
Why, but why?
Burma (called Myanmar by its military dictators) was warned and has now been struck with an unimaginable geophysical weapon the US possesses. But by "US" one does not mean the normal military (pawns) or the governmental apparatus in Washington, D.C. (rooks). They are not wielding HAARP. And HAARP cannot be reined in by the face of our government.

The "shadowy government," as Senator Inouye (Hawaii) called it, has its own funding (drug dealing, pharmaceuticals, arms sales, oil profits, all kinds of multinational corporate connections). It has its own hierarchy. What would one call this Shadow Government?

US President Eisenhower labelled it the "military-industrial complex." That complex goes beyond our country's clandestine services (NSA, NSC, CIA, FBI, and the secret arms of empire) and the Pentagon but is in league with these agencies. Logic would dictate that it went too far in Japan -- not counting on the Fukushima nuclear disaster -- but apparently it does not feel it went far enough.

Experiments conducted from reverse-engineered advanced technology as well as channeled information has devastating effects on the Earth, and some entities will not sit idly by as HAARP and nuclear arms are used. This same complex was involved in the original Tsunami that devastated Indonesia with a great deal of collateral damage.

If that was not going too far, why would disrupting weather patterns and generating massive quakes in Indonesia, Iran, China, New Zealand, Japan, and now Burma. Of course, this country is involved in other wars and invasions that are not widely known and not reported in this country at all. But our population seeds those armed services, and our parents, relatives, friends, and civic leaders support and cheer them on.

Pres. Barack Obama is reading scripts with speeches written for him that are deceptive.

The result for them is brain damage, moral ruin, concussions, irradiated vaccinations, mysterious (Gulf War style) syndromes, rage, and suicide, all at a cost to us. We are not running this game, but we are involved and some of us are complicit. These things are not happening by accident or necessity. There is choice here.

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