Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan's nuclear fallout detected in California

Wisdom Quarterly

We are told not to worry. TEPCO and General Electric scientists will not be straightforward with the Japanese public, causing US reporters to flee the country. Clearly, there have been dangerous releases of radioactive material. The situation can hardly be called contained or safe. The US ship Ronald Reagan was already accidentally irradiated. Fifty employees are valiantly sacrificing themselves -- almost guaranteeing that they will develop cancer they would not otherwise develop -- by staying on and fighting the Fukushima Daiichi plants multiple core cooling failures.

Any mention of "meltdown" by scientists immediately impacts the stock market and has inadvertently skyrocketed the value of the yen, the Japanese monetary unit, also hampering reconstruction efforts. While we will not be well informed about the danger to avoid widespread panic, it was disclosed today that slight but unusual levels of radiation "consistent with emissions in Japan" were detected in the California state capital. Iodine tablets, which are now sold out, are a dangerous reaction to the danger when staying in and reducing exposure to the atmosphere would be less dangerous to thyroids and more useful in protecting the health of all organs and tissues susceptible to atomic fission and fusion byproducts.

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