Monday, March 7, 2011

New helipcopter footage of 9/11 (video)

NYPD Helicopter video of 9/11 attack surfaces

Liz Goodwin
A newly released video shows the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack from the vantage point of a NYPD helicopter. According to Gawker, the National Institute of Standards and Technology requested the 17-minute video through the Freedom of Information Act, and the video was sent anonymously to the secret-sharing website Cryptome, which posted it. The Institute investigated the 9/11 attacks. A warning to readers: The video is difficult to watch -- and voices on the soundtrack can be heard cursing as the horrific attack unfolds.

The gov't planned it, the gov't carried it out
It is perfectly clear that the tragedy of 9/11 was an inside job. It's purpose was to justify a premeditated war. The practice of using such events as a pretext for war is standard operating procedure. That this is too hard to believe is a matter of not being exposed to the facts. (Building 7 was not even hit by a plane but like the others was brought down by a controlled demolition! ) The facts are available and laid out with expert backing -- in documentaries, books, websites, and testimonials. As Americans we do not search for them because we do not really want to know. But knowing is fundamental to understanding how our world works. Why would we prefer to be dissuaded by hired scientists, "investigators," and officials? More shocking than this mass murder and the faked attack on the Pentagon is the planned housing and banking fiasco followed by a bailout that has made the principal richer.

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