Tuesday, March 15, 2011

US needs more Nuclear Plants, says Obama

Wisdom Quarterly

() Although the malfunctioning reactors were built by General Electric, an American-born multinational corporation, Japan has asked the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to help it deal with its nuclear crisis. This comes amid concerns of similar incidents taking place around the world.

Obama has joined Republicans in pressing for funding of more U.S. nuclear power plants -- a corporate-centered approach to distributing expensive, centrally-controlled, environmentally-devastating energy. Corporations prefer control of a grid rather than independent, clean energy such as solar or wind.

Not only is this an outrage given recent events in Japan, it shows that Obama is not what he marketed himself as. There has been no audacity of hope or actual change. There has scarcely even been the appearance of it. We are undergoing a continuation of Bush-Cheney era policies. This man was bought an paid for by corporate special interests.

“President Obama has $36 billion allocated in his budget proposal for loan guarantees to build nuclear power plants."

Obama's $36 Billion Nuke-Powered Giveaway
Obama's 2012 budget marks a major escalation in the nuclear war against a green-powered future. Amidst massive budget cuts for social and environmental programs, Obama wants $36 billion in loan guarantees for a reactor industry that cannot secure sufficient private marketplace financing for new construction.

"Lee Harvey Obama" on covert operations, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt, and Middle East uprisings (Dave Emory, Feb. 22, 2011)

Who is Obama really?

The only analysis that has made sense to explain Obama's repeated betrayals of the people came recently on Pacifica. Late night programming by Dave Emory on For The Record revealed a shocking thing, the revelation that Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama was in fact a product of clandestine intelligence services. It appears he may be a trained agent (possibly not even a citizen as Republicans accuse). It appears he was "installed" with massive corporate funding because of his charisma and oratory skills. A Nobel prize was rigged in a preposterous buy off or as part of an elaborate PR campaign, having compromised Sweden as shown by the manipulation of its legal system in the Assange case. This is not about the two-party system we suffer under, alternating between Coke and Pepsi with no possibility of a viable third party. Obama is both Republican and Democrat acting as if he has the interests of the majority of American citizens at heart, while pushing forward the plans of our shadow government.

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