Saturday, March 12, 2011

Permaculture Convergence comes to L.A.

Permaculture convergence and convention coming to Los Angeles (Yuliang11)

The Southern California Permaculture Convergence is coming to Los Angeles (early bird tickets are $125 for camping). Food, learning from amazing permaculturists for less than some single-day events. Penny Livingston, Mark Lakeman, Brock Doleman, Larry Santoyo, Warren Brush, and many other leaders will be part of this 3-day weekend in Malibu. Workshops and a wide range of presentations are still being finalized including wilderness skills to non-violent communication, wild foods walk to coyote mentoring, beach hikes to evening campfires, storytelling to yoga, and much more. Family friendly with many children's activities discount passes. Prices low until the end of the month at

Permaculture gets popular in L.A.
Permaculture classes have been going on for years, but many of these are intensive, multi-week courses for the already-converted. This month, L.A. county's getting some beginner-level events for the permaculture-curious. When I think permaculture -- roughly defined as sustainable design principles that seeks to create human habitats that mimic natural systems -- the first thing that comes to mind is organic and biodynamic, get your hands dirty, old fashioned farming. But since permaculture's not only a portmanteau for permanent and agriculture but also for permanent and culture, its principles -- proponents say -- can be adapted to urban areas and systems too.

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