Friday, March 11, 2011

Unnatural Disaster Hits Buddhist Japan!

Wisdom Quarterly

Dissatisfied with the destruction and havoc wreaked in Indonesia, New Zealand, and very recently China, a major effort to destabilize one of the world's economic powerhouses took place at approximately 2:30 am (mid-afternoon Tokyo time). That such things are possible is unknown to most of us, but this is the awesome power of HAARP. The result is awesome, completely unnatural, and catastrophic.

  • U.S. is first to volunteer to move in (set up command) to "help." Instant victory, called "humanitarian relief," and we are invited in and welcomed as heroes rather than invaders. Former wars between these two nations are not forgotten in the larger arc of history. Nonbelievers need to bear in mind that we are the only country to ever use nuclear weapons to kill humans (in this case hundreds of thousands of noncombatant civilians) and it was against Japan, twice (Nagasaki and Hiroshima), not to mention the experimentation on our own population from countless Nevada and atoll test bombings that still have detectable fallout across the Midwest.

Better than a nuclear blast, for which someone would have to be blamed and guerrilla-retaliation anticipated or universal condemnation expected, the military-industrial complex has a stunning new weapon. That complex is not limited to the US (as Sen. Inouye of Hawaii described it, terming it a "shadowy government" under no elected supervision and therefore beyond constitutionally established checks and balances). But the US/Pentagon/NSC/NSA/CIA is by far the most powerful and warlike empire in the countries within the HAARP array.

There will be no public admission. There will be no acceptance of responsibility for attacks. If one waits for such official disclosure to attempt to understand what is happening, one may as well surrender to the well orchestrated Psychological Operations (formerly known as "propaganda") that diverts attention and by its own admission misleads public opinion as an act of war.

Government-assassinated peace activist Martin Luther King Jr. said it best. Love and understanding is needed from us. We are not the "US" (U.S.) who did this, that carries out nonstop war, yet we must comprehend what is happening in our name and still radiate love:

"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government… We can no longer afford to worship the god of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. And history is cluttered with the wreckage of nations and individuals that pursued this self-defeating path of hate." (WB)

  • 8.9 quake, the world's fifth largest in the last century
  • 1,000 times stronger than the New Zealand devastation
  • Followed by Tsunami that swept out massive coastline
  • Nuclear power plant melting down with failed failsafe
  • Fire from broken gas lines burning in apocalyptic display
  • Earth shook for 5 minutes straight, many aftershocks
  • Skyscrapers continued to sway for 30 minutes
  • 20 countries on alert for collateral tsunami damage
  • 100,000 soldiers are stationed in Japan ready to take over

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