Friday, March 18, 2011

US declares war on Libya

Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)
The Arab League has called on the UN for help, making a deal with the devil in the process. Will the US keep its word to simply stop flights over Libya, or will it slowly, imperceptibly move in, build permanent bases, and install a new dictator more to its liking? Even Italy has turned its colonial back on Muamar Qaddafi.

Today Pres. Obama announced new war plans for the US. Los Angeles Buddhists and others will demonstrate this weekend against all the wars US forces have their hands in.

Of course the United States never "declares" war anymore. That would mean some measure of oversight. It has not since at least its military adventures in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia, which history obscures or dismisses as "conflicts."

So perhaps the headline should not explicitly state the real meaning but just repeat the spin: US pushes UN for no-fly zone over Libya, which will have to include some ground troops -- but we will not be calling it a war.

Obama went on TV/radio/Web from the White House to declare: All attacks by Libyan forces must stop, all power and utilities must be provided to all Libyans, and aid organizations [sprinkled with a few spies and operatives of course] must be allowed in, or Moammar Gaddafi is in violation of a new UN resolution, which as in Iraq is tantamount to inviting war. These conditions are "non-negotiable," and we'll be deciding if the US-propped Libyan dictatorship is in violation.

"WAR NO," the hands of a young peace demonstrator read in Spanish (

This officially makes Pres. Obama a war monger and adds poignancy to the peaceful anti-war demonstrations planned for Los Angeles on March 19, 2011. Some may argue that Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama achieved that status when he flip flopped on closing Guantanamo prison or stopping American torture of innocent (until proven guilty) political prisoners like US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning.

The Bush administrations, of which Obama seems to be a direct descendent, were not related to NAZIs, except for grandfather Prescott Bush.

Others might argue that he became a war monger when he began to expand the US war on Afghanistan to include Pakistan, the surrounding area, and any collateral damage US operated drones might want to inflict with impunity. Thank you, WikiLeaks. Now Sweden has no real choice but to become a kangaroo court by proxy for the US State Department, Pentagon, and the clandestine Powers That Be.

Q: Why don't we, the United States of America, just declare ourselves the rulers of the world already?

A: Because it's much easier to rule the world in secret. The CIA has been doing it for decades, and the ex-German National Socialist clandestine infrastructure has been doing it when power transferred to the US long before there was a CIA/NSA/NSC, Pentagon, or Shadow Government. Why expend the hardware in every nation when controlling the World Monetary Fund (a proverbial single monetary system)? Why send in the Jackals when the Economic Hitmen are doing such a good job of taking over every nation we wish to control?

It sounds like a slur or an exaggeration, but our country really served Nazi bankers and scientists. Why wouldn't we juggle wars all over the Middle East? That's what the vaulting ambition of empire leads to.

History reminders

Might makes rights if no one joins the left (WQ).

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