Monday, April 11, 2011

Looking to Space for Intelligent Life

Clay Dillow (
Finding advanced alien races in other parts of the galaxy is not so hard, according to Duncan Forgan of the University of Edinburgh and Martin Elvis at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Rather than look for direct evidence of cloud cities anchored to far-off rocks, we simply need to ask ourselves what our civilization might look like in the future, then look for signs of that. Specifically, we need to look at other planetary systems’ asteroid belts for signs of mining.

FBI opens "The Vault," UFOs...Malcolm X fly out

The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) released a revamped version of its electronic reading room for records and documents from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Dubbed “The Vault,” the database is designed to make it easier for readers to scour thousands of FBI documents. Among the documents are some real national treasures. The files are divided into categories that range from Counterterrorism to... Unexplained Phenomen[a], which contains the infamous “Guy Hottel letter.” Hottel was a special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office. On March 22, 1950, he sent a memo to the FBI director concerning UFO sightings in New Mexico. “An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico,” read the letter. “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture.”

There are Many Types of Space Aliens
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
The Buddha spoke of countless inhabited worlds. The U.S. government's long standing disinformation campaign would have us believe that they are all robotic, green, emotionless creatures bent on invading and destroying Earth. Beings from space come in all shapes and sizes. Levels of the military-industrial complex is well aware of more than 57 humanoid species or groups. But it insists on promoting just one -- scary Greys. If they are real, they would seem to correspond to Buddhist nagas and asuras (reptilians and titans with the common capacity to transform or "shape shift").

No mention is made of Nordic aliens or angelic beings, which surely exist, have visited, and have set up civilization after civilization. Our own modern human race is, in fact, so dependent on what they have contributed (genetically and technologically) that to think we simply evolved and developed all by ourselves is untenable and flies in the face of historical, archeological, mythological, spiritual, and scriptural evidence. What is race anyway? The variation within groups can and often is greater than between groups. Humans DNA is not limited to this planet.

The truth is far more startling than that the FBI now admits that three flying saucers were recovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 with nine alien creatures inside. It was reverse-engineering of their technology, plus technology given to us before and since then, that has created our electronic boom. We are far more connected, as spiritual seers (such as the rishis in India) have long know, than the military-government is interested in admitting. No information has been forthcoming on how many groups already inhabit the planet, interact, come and go, have their own agendas, and to some extent watch over and attempt to frustrate the harm intended by other groups.

Buddhist cosmology information on extraterrestrials is most abundant around four near-Earth groups -- the beautiful Sakka and the "shining ones" (devas) from the Realm of the Thirty-three (Tavatimsa), the Great Sky Rulers (Catumaharajika-devas and messenger gandharvas), the Titans (asuras, who were thrown out of space and onto this planet and are not at all happy about that), and the fierce Reptilians (nagas), all of whom have interbred with the many types of humans that have existed.

Unless they frighten us, we pay no attention to ETs.

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