Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Bigfeet" - Many Hominid Sub-species?

Ken Gerhard, Field Researcher (Center for Fortean Zoology)
North American Bigfoot (Sasquatch), US Pacific Northwest (History Channel)

Different sub-species?
Are there different sub-species of Bigfoot [like the Indonesian Orang Pendek at left]? A recent discussion with Arizona cryptozoologist Alex Hearn prompted this query.

I have personally researched hundreds of reports and have observed that there seem to be many variations of these mystery hominids that are reported around North America (in fact, the world).

There are five hair colors that are usually described : brown, black, reddish, blonde, and white or gray. Sometimes t
he head and body hair is long and shaggy, sometimes uniformly short. Generally, people describe these beings as being massive and muscular, standing 6 to 9 feet tall.

Woman claims to catch Bigfoot on iPhone (

Of course, there are reports of true giants, but there are also smaller, man-sized, even slender creatures. The face is sometimes portrayed as apelike. But more often it is human-like or somewhere in between. They typically walk upright but sometimes go down on all fours. Are we dealing with regional sub-species?

Is Bigfoot some type of hominid (genus Ho
mo) like us, individuals with distinct characteristics?

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