Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Obama's legal secret

Lawyers think amorally, that is, pragmatically. That means there isn't much to think about. It's either do as I'm told or cease to hold office. So by that measure, B.O. is a good president, not much worse than the others. He daily betrays the public by portraying himself as a man of change when the policies he is forced to back are more draconian than Pres. Cheney-Bush, who were not legitimately elected either.

(PHOTO: Ann Dunham with baby Barry)

(WND) President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, told the U.S. government she would home school her son using U.S.-approved textbooks during the period she moved the family to Indonesia.

Dunham, however, broke her pledge. She enrolled the future president in Indonesian schools, where he was registered as a Muslim going by the
name "Barry Soetoro."

Dunham's pledge to home school Obama was part of an ongoing attempt to secure an immigration department waiver so her second husband, Indonesian citizen Lolo Soetoro, could return to the U.S. after his visa had expired.

Because Obama's mother's first husband was married already (according to the AP) when he married Ms. Dunham, he was not legally Barack Husein Obama Jr.

Since Obama is not the child of US citizens, he is disqualified from office as the founding fathers stipulated that only natural born citizens of US citizens can be vice president or president. More

The Imperial Presidency
(HHG Project) The president is very much a figurehead. He wields no real power whatsoever. He is chosen by the government. The qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but of finely judged outrage. For this reason the president is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating yet fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.

Wisdom Quarterly

He is the great communicator. Does this mean Obama/Soetoro is not "president"? Well, only if one means "of the United States of America." He is apparently president of the corporation, which has its own secret rules. Violations of the rules the country's founders established have been going on since the time of George Washington.

In any case, a man with serious drug abuse (cocaine, crack), homosexual behavior (with Larry Sinclair), and criminal conspiracies to cover these up is not going to be worried about technicalities.

The important thing is that he is easily manipulated by blackmail (and other dissolute means) by those who can at any time reveal his secret. For the job of the imperial presidency is, according to Douglas Adams, not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.

Who are the real movers and shakers? The military-industrial complex, the "shadowy government" (as outgoing President Truman called it), the Pentagon, the CIA, NSA, NSC, and other clandestine services... an assembly of otherworldly-influenced powers?
How could any of this be true and kept "secret"?

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