Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rupert Murdoch attacked with pie (cartoon)

Wisdom Quarterly

ENGLAND (July 19, 2011) - Multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch was attacked by a protester wielding a shaving foam on paper plate pie as he gave evidence at the Culture Media and Sport committee on phone-hacking. His Yale graduate Chinese wife Wendi Deng [in pictures], who is often accused of being a gold digger and is 38 years his junior, was quick to retaliate and attack pie man attempting to take her husband down a peg. Murdoch is in the center of a British super-scandal revealing police corruption, phone hacking, media blackmail of politicians and others in public view. Murdoch is a hateful figure who owns Fox News and supports campaigns then, it is alleged, exerts undue influence on world politics, monetary policy, and the modern media landscape.

Murdoch gets pied while answering for his misdeeds ( )

Custard for Justice
Comedian Jonnie Marbles threw a custard [-like shaving foam] pie in Rupert Murdoch's face during the phone hacking hearing today.

The media tycoon's wife Wendi leaped to avenge the insult, first pushing the protester away then smacking the plate full of shaving cream over the demonstrator as he was led away by police officers.

Members of the audience reported that the protester said "You naughty billionaire" to Mr. Murdoch as he was carried out after the peaceful cream puff demonstration. See full video below.

FOX: "Not racist, but #1 with racists"

Why should anyone care about this case? Corporate crimes seem somehow nicer than individual acts. The reason this case is so important is that Murdoch and his empire rule political campaigns. Those who are [s]elected to serve are pressed to vote in favor of weakening laws aimed at protecting the public and its access to a fair and balanced media.

This is exactly what they do NOT get from FOX (so naturally they use it as a Newspeak slogan). Corporate malfeasance, invasion of privacy, police corruption...this is the least of it. Someone has already been "taken care of" for whistle blowing, and the scandal is only getting started.

David Cameron the Prime Minister is involved, too, taking direction on how to deal with the media from a former editor of Murdoch's recently defunct tabloid, News of the World, behind the phone hacking allegations.

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