Friday, July 15, 2011

Science: Space-Time Cloaking (Nat Geo)

Richard A. Lovett (National Geographic News, July 11, 2011)
Fiber optics can easily bend light around objects, but an event cloak bends time, too

It's no illusion: Science has found a way to make not just objects but entire events disappear, experts say.

Magic? Material would adjust speed of light [once imagined to be constant] to hide actions, physicists say. According to new research by British physicists, it's theoretically possible to create a material that can hide an entire bank heist from human eyes and surveillance cameras. "The concepts are basically quite simple," said Paul Kinsler, a physicist at Imperial College London, who created the idea with colleagues Martin McCall and Alberto Favaro. Unlike invisibility cloaks -- some of which have been made to work at very small scales -- the event cloak would do more than bend light around an object. More

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