Sunday, July 17, 2011

Spiritual Autism?

Wisdom Quarterly

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are widespread and increasing exponentially. [They are almost certainly caused by toxic load, usually consisting of unmanageable heavy metals, from the environmental in general and vaccinations (excipients) in particular.]

The shadow government does it on purpose while ordinary government outlets scramble to deny, dismiss, and discredit claims that anything it is involved in could be causing harm to citizens. This has made the use of vaccine in children an enormous controversy. The CIA's recent abuse of vaccinations to secretly target and kill Pakistani suspects.

Most victims have Asperger's, a potentially mild form of introversion. Autism means auto-ism or overly focusing on the self to the exclusion of the social environment. It is seen in children, particularly after massive doses of vaccinations have been administered for convenience and profit without informing parents of the danger of combining many useful and useless vaccinations, particularly live strains. (Vaccination may be a wonderful thing, but things added to them like thiomersal are extremely toxic).
  • Epidemiological reviews estimate a rate of one to two cases per 1,000 people for autism, and about six per 1,000 for autism spectrum disorders.[Ref] This may be a gross underestimate of ASD's true prevalence.[Ref] ASD averages a 4.3:1 male-to-female ratio. The number of children known to have autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s.
Mild autism and neuroticism may in fact help one's practice of the spiritual path. The temporary social isolation, withdrawal, seclusion, and intense focus is certainly made easier.

We know of a female with apparent Asperger's who used this condition to her advantage in college (excelling in academic activities requiring intense focus and abstract conceptualization) and meditation. She was able to ride her ability to focus and her aversion to social situations to the mastery of the meditative-absorptions (jhanas), insight-practices (vipassana), and initial stages of enlightenment (stream entry). She is now free in the most profound sense of the word. And it both gives hope to those living with autism (which is actually curable through intense chelation if promptly undertaken by an experienced alternative healing practitioner) and an indication to everyone's practice: Intense focus and setting everything else aside is the way to sudden progress; thereafter, one reintegrates into life. Unfortunately, most of us are taught that the path of enlightenment is ordinary life, for which there is no textual support. Ordinary people do not become enlightened by leading an ordinary life; however, people who become enlightened may very well lead ordinary lives. Ancient texts illustrate this again and again. Modern teachers misrepresent the path again and again, as if to please audiences who crave something out of the ordinary or who on the verge of practicing in accordance with the historical Buddha's teachings.

Autism is being diagnosed through speech (

Autism and Humanity (July 14, 2011)
One child in every 110 in the U.S. is now diagnosed to be somewhere on the spectrum of autism. We step back from public controversies over causes and cures and explore the mystery and meaning of autism in one family's life, and in history and society. Our guests say that life with their child with autism has deepened their understanding of human nature -- of disability, and of creativity, intelligence, and accomplishment. More

1 comment:

  1. What of the possibility that she was really a pratyeka all along?
