Sunday, July 24, 2011

White terrorist kills to lay blame on Muslims

Wisdom Quarterly
Who faked a Facebook profile for the white mass murderer encouraging others? Are the clandestine services trying to inspire copycat crimes? (

Anders Behring Breivik is a white, 32 year old, pro-Israel, Norwegian Christian man who has already allegedly confessed to murdering 90+ people in Norway. He carried out the planned terrorist attack by first bombing government offices in an attempt to assassinate the prime minister -- then shooting scores of students with an automatic weapon on a nearby island during a political youth retreat on July 22, 2011 while dressed as a police officer.

He had written a 1,500 page "manifesto" encouraging others. It was a "false flag" attack: His motive was to have Muslims blamed for it and massacred in retaliation by Christian Europeans. He has claimed that his acts -- common in state-sponsored violence/war and PsyOps/propaganda -- mean he is not a "criminal."

The injured after Oslo terrorist attack (

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