Friday, October 7, 2011

30 Years of US War on Afghanistan - Why?

Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS),, Uprising
The Buddhas of Bamiyan were destroyed because the US (through the CIA and Pentagon) fomented an Arab-Islamic takeover of Afghanistan. This was not an act of the peaceful Pashtun, Tajiks, or Uzbeks tribes that have lived in the region for centuries before the CIA created, funded, and trained outside radical Islamists to fight imperial Soviet invaders.

In the place where the Buddha was likely born and grew up, the original garden of Lumbini and capital of Kapilavastu -- then a frontier province of greater India (Bharat), strong women still rise up in support of peace. Our invasions, motivated by theft, follow on the heels of other empires (British, Russian, Greek, Persian, Arabian).

What have these empires wanted? What does the American military-industrial complex really want that it is so willing to bring tremendous suffering? The answers are much more likely to be found at Invisible History (Crossing Zero) where American researchers have been investigating US involvement in Afghanistan for 30 years. Or from on-the-ground reporter and author Edward Girardet. Or, getting even closer to the ground, from Afghan women themselves.

Our involvement has been going on longer than that. The CIA cultivated the Taliban, feeding it by having vicious prisoners released from neighboring countries into Afghanistan to create, arm, and train Arab radicals -- called the Mujahideen (following a rare and extreme form of Islam called Wahhabism, while we're told that this is normal Islamic behavior) -- to covertly fight Russian invaders so we could invade and rule the region.

The Vanishing Point for the American Empire by Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald. Until a few decades ago "Pakistan" was India and Afghanistan was the frontier. The US reassigned them to be part of the "geopolitical Middle East."

We were never in Afghanistan to help any but ourselves. We are only there to take it for ourselves -- no matter what our brothers in the Marines write home to tell us. The us in "we" does not really refer to the US.

It refers to our shadow government that has its own worldwide agenda. Without declaring war, US forces are committed in 130 countries. There are only 196 countries in the world, but the number is changing. We have been handed preposterous lies by the psychological operations arm of our own government about Islam and Afghanistan. And every night the "news" stirs the fear. If we do not challenge it and realize our common humanity, we back war and atrocities in our name and what libertarians have dubbed the "globalist agenda."
Three Decades in Afghanistan
Ten years ago today, and less than a month after the September 11th terrorist attacks, US forces began bombing one of the poorest, most war-torn countries in the world – Afghanistan. Ruled by the heavily oppressive and fundamentalist Pakistan-sponsored Taliban regime, Afghanistan was targeted for harboring Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. As the bombs rained down, the US supported the so-called Northern Alliance or United Front rebels as their ground support. These militants had a history of US support against the Soviet war when they called themselves the Mujahadeen, but most of them were just as brutally oppressive and fundamentalist as the Taliban. Today, many of these figures, rewarded for their fealty to American dollars... More

Supporters of RAWA
Click here to find out how to help
The Afghan Women's Mission - Working to improve the lives of forgotten Afghan women.  Click here
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Afghans (Pashtuns) are much safer now that the US created the Taliban to take care of the un-Islamic Soviet menace, replacing it with Christian crusaders in US uniforms.

Complexities Abound

Behind the children is the cave complex that made this remote region -- where the Buddha himself may have grown up (Kapilavastu) -- a famous Central Asian crossroads through the centuries as Buddhism moved from India (Rajgir) to Tajikistan, throughout the Greco-Bactrian empire (ancient Buddhist Greece), and then onto China and Siberia.

Parts of Greece were Buddhist before the Dharma made it to China. But no one is told that Buddhism thrived in ancient Greece, the home of Western civilization, or that it was displaced by Zoroastrianism and Islam after nurturing a new universalist Mahayana "sect" the world calls

Read all about it thanks to researcher Holger Kersten (Jesus Lived India: His Unknown Life...). Christian traveler Nicolas Notovitch (The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ) was the first to discover the Tibetan records of St. Issa's life outside of Palestine with Jews in India. This may seem like "radical" information but, in fact, it is quite tamed and documented in ancient written records. Much more astounding are the exopolitics, Zoroaster as a titan (asura) opposing the deva sent by Sakka to protect the Dharma. Central Asia (around the Caucuses mountains, Sumeria, Mt. Sumeru, Mesopotamia, and Kashmir) is apparently very important in space (the heavens).

Wisdom Quarterly has brought forward this information and exposed this history before, but it often bears repeating.

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